July 27th 2023


Assessing the condition of the ornate ceilings above the main auditorium of the Lyceum Theatre

As part of their obligation to ensure the safety of visitors, Sheffield Theatres are currently having surveys, costings and work undertaken at the Lyceum Theatre to ensure they maintain it in a safe condition and to conserve the ornate historic plaster ceilings. This survey will assess the condition of the ornate ceilings above the main auditorium space, boxes, balconies, and their fronts and stalls. In addition, the historic plasterwork in the entrance foyer and McDonald's room were inspected

The hire of a mobile elevated platform by the theatre allows the full inspection of the auditorium ceiling from below. Our report will set out the repairs that are necessary to the plain and ornamental plasterwork ceilings and balcony fronts. The ceilings have been completely inspected in line with ABTT guidance note 20. This survey will identify areas of risk and required repairs that are needed to the ceilings. As the report identifies necessary repairs they will, when possible, be carried out immediately and other works required will be programmed.

July 27th 2023

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