September 30th 2018


Oil Paints and Distempers used to create an Illusion

Probably early 19th century painted on timber wainscoting and skirting boards in a Baroque Pallazo dating from the beginning of the 18th centuries when decorative faux paint finishes were also popular.

Natural plant oil based paints appear to have been used to create the fake cornice and traditional distempers for the wainscoting.

In most instances the ground used in oil and distemper fake finishes was the same. In the latter, it was suggested that, once the ground was dry, it should be wiped with a damp cloth as this would allow the distemper colour to adhere better. Distemper graining pigments were often ground very finely in beer and thinned for use with weak beer and water. As a distemper medium gave less protection to its constituents than oil, the work was almost always varnished.

September 30th 2018

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