February 8th 2021


Rock-Hewn Church Literature Review

M Womersleys has produced a literature review, focusing on the design and historic decoration, of the rock-hewn churches in the Gheralta region of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Unfortunately, due to the recent conflict, on site survey work has been delayed. The document we have produced will be placed in the libraries and institutions in that region, and placed online, to help guide future conservation work on the churches. Lack of internationally published books in the country, means that there is an information gap for the national professionals involved on the ground, which this review should help start to close. The work has been paid for by the British Council.

We are also working with the Federal Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, to support the tourism economy in this area, when the current humanitarian crisis is overcome, and are in the process of preparing tour guides and itineraries in English, Amharic and Tigrigna.

February 8th 2021

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